The Mission:

Is to inspire curiosity about the connection(s) between nature, cities, and animals by invoking environmental consciousness through the power of 'visual cue.'

All images on this website were photographed and are being sold based on (current) national and state legislations that digress the ruling of commercial photography. Please know that JMM Photography (Color Holistix LLC) is an equal-action employer, and these photographs are designed to inspire viewers to appreciate the natural world. Henceforth, 10% of all sales are donated to the National Park Service (NPS). For additional information about JMM, you can scroll down and sign up for the Newsletter by clicking the link at the bottom of the page.

The Photography Gallery:

Over recent years, Jared has been archiving his favorite images around the subjects of nature and environmentalism so that ecologically-active supporters of these topics are able to ornate their homes and workplaces (including living rooms, restrooms, kitchens, offices, art studios, gallery spaces & venues, etc.) with historically iconic and relatable photographs. To view one of these photos for sale by way of various printing mediums, you can just click on 'Protected Landscapes,' 'Wildlife', or 'Urban Geography' in the tabs above and search for your favorite image; To enlarge an image, click on it. If you find one you like, you'll then see one of the four unique materials that these photographs can be printed upon: 'Cold Press Bright Paper', 'Metal', 'Stretch Canvas', or 'Lustre Paper (with protective Glass and a custom Frame').

Each photograph has a unique story to be told, so you're encouraged to read the captions and explore some of the blue hyperlinks in an effort to better connect with your favorite picture. Soon enough, you'll be checking out while your order is being fulfilled and shipped directly to your doorstep.*

Remember: Creating art is all about taking the necessary time to ensure the value of the final product is truly something exquisite.

Shipping, Handling & Receiving Policy:

Although the 'UPS Ground' shipping option at Check-Out lists a specific number of days that it takes to ship your product, photography products can be expected to arrive to your address prior to 40 business days after placing an order. We are committed to working efficiently on your behalf, and the cost of shipping is applied automatically at Check-Out based on a standard Rate -- We currently ship to a wide variety of accessible destinations across the U.S. and Canada.

Note: You may visit this page to learn more about each type of material substrate (or canvas) that is offered in greater detail.

Staying in Touch:

Newsletter: To stay in touch with upcoming news, you can subscribe at the bottom of this page to a complimentary e-newsletter, titled the 'Flipt Script', by entering your e-mail address as indicated.

Direct Contact Information:

For any other professional inquiries (consultations, product reviews, & customer feedback) please email with the subject as 'JMM Photography Inquiry.'

Also, please feel free to share this page on social media channelling and follow on Instagram @jmm__photography__